Kings Of Balla Balla is a band… and also more or less an international open art project.
Everything could happen under the name KINGS OF BALLA BALLA. Yes, it smells at the moment a little like Punk-Rock or whater project it is… At least it is a straight forward blast from stage!


Eddie Churchill (R.I.P.): …Unfortunately he had to die when he wanted to play the flute. Also it turned out he had a GENESIS album at home. An absolutely  No-Go!

Jens „Trümmer“: Formerly known as guitar player and songwriter of longtime ago Goof Punk band RUDOLF’S RACHE. (the real Kings Of Balla Balla in the 80’s/90’s) he has played and toured with many bands around the world, produced a few albums and has always some questionable and weird projects going on.
He grew up in northern germany, prefers cheap red guitars and hates music.
When he played for JAMES LOST (Norway) as guest musician he was set under high emotional pressure by the King of Norway. Many people expect him to stop doing such things.  More…

Svein Solberg: He is a real viking, they say he is the King of Norway. Well known as drummer and producer for the legendary RUSSIAN AMCAR CLUB, KAARE OG PARTIET, SCHWEINHUND and JAMES LOST. For The Kings Of Balla Balla the King of Norway is playing the drums like no one else could play it.
He is one of the very few drummers who survived playing drums for SPINAL TAP. He is the inventor of Happy Black Metal.  More…

Brandy Bones: After she was born in Alaska and bored in the USA she endet up in Canada as upright bassplayer & singer of Vancouvers worldwide touring band Big John Bates Noirchestra and Momy Fortuna. She is the Queen of Balla Balla and treats mainly the vocal microphones with here unique voice. She prefers only the best, surprises with weird song ideas and avoids band rehearsals. She can play all kinds of instruments as long it is any bass or cello…   More…

Robin KK: He is playing Bass here and saves the Kings Of Balla Balla with his low frequenzies like Godzilla fights with King Kong about lunch. In his own band Through The Valleys (from northern Germany) he is responsible for huge walls of sharp guitars. He plays a vegan bass and is the only person in the world who wants serious band rehearsals. More…

Robin P. Urlaub: He grew up in northern Germany, ahas played his first punk rock show at the age of 13 years as drummer and wasted his time forming and splitting up his own band Graf Chaos. Meanwhile he is very old and from time to time he is touring as second guitarist for legenday US Band MOVING TARGETS. As a desendant and blood relative of the members of an old lousy german band (Rudolf’s Rache) he had no other choice in life than playing guitar and drums with The Kings Of Balla Balla. He found all his guitars on the street and prefers to play his own songs  More…

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