Schlagwort: Trümmerbooking

Trümmerbooking truemmerbooking ist eine Konzert-Booking und Promotionagentur für Musikgruppen. Truemmer booking & promotion is an european booking agency. Excellent taste in music. Independent music, pop, deathblues, punk, experimental, worldwide,

TRUEMMER booking & promotion is an european booking agency. Trümmer booking & promotion stands for booking, concerts, promotion, management, artwork and merchandising for artists in the worldwide music scene. Pop, Rock, Punk, Rock’n’Roll, Noise, Experimental, worldmusic, weltmusik, Big John Bates Noirchestra, Bob Log III, Alte Sau, Jens Rachut, Bernadette La Hengst, Dead Brothers, Moving Targets, Puta Madre Brothers, Aeronauten, GUZ, Ratttengold, Dackelblut, Oma Hans, Punkrock, Johnny Moped, Holly Golightly, Bruce Brand, Oma Hans, Moving Targets, Johnny Moped, Skranefjell, Tankus The Henge, Nine Pound Hammer, 9PH, Knarf Rellöm